Is Segmetrics Better Than Wicked Reports? (Comparison)

How to track your marketing campaign ROI? Both WickedReports and Segmetrics are great tools for tracking user journeys across paid and organic traffic.

Segmentics doesn’t require a significant amount of manual setup to use. It is easy to configure the data sources in order to get accurate and meaningful results. Additionally, it is designed mainly for marketing teams, so if you are not a marketing expert, you need some time to understand the data and make decisions.Wicked Reports is expensive and can be cost prohibitive for many businesses. Additionally, it requires integration with other services such as email providers and e-Commerce platforms in order to track user activity.

Both tools provide detailed analytics that can help you understand where your traffic is coming from and which channels are most effective at driving conversions. They can also help you optimize your user acquisition strategy for maximum ROI. both are excellent options that can provide businesses with a better understanding of how well their strategies are performing. Ultimately, the decision on which platform to use will come down to the individual needs of each business.

What is Segmetrics?


To get the most out of any marketing campaign, it’s important to set clear goals and track your performance against them. Which marketing channels have provided the best return on investment? What messaging resonates most with our target audience? These answers can help you discover opportunities for improvement.

How is my customer base changing over time? Which products have the highest lifetime value? How do customers use my website or app differently from one another? These types of questions can help you understand your customers better and develop more effective marketing strategies.

At Segmetrics, they believe in understanding how to turn leads into customers through the right metrics and focusing on conversion. Having too many metrics can be more of a distraction than anything else. It’s important to focus on the few that are most relevant. When you understand your customer base and the analytics behind them, it will ultimately result in increased profits. Segmetrics understand that it’s not always easy to identify the right metrics, but they are here to help you find the ones that will make the biggest difference for your business.

When you’re looking for subscription products with the highest lifetime value, it’s important to look at more than just cost. Conversion rate, customer retention and overall customer satisfaction should all be taken into consideration before making an investment. That’s why having real-time data on your campaigns is essential for success. It provides information that allows you to make more informed decisions and better investments.

With Segmetrics, you can unlock the power of data to maximize your business potential. In just a few minutes, you can sign up for a free trial and gain access to incredible levels of insight into your company’s customer journey. By connecting Segmetrics to your marketing automation software and adding its tracking snippet to your website, you’ll be able to gain a never-before-seen level of clarity as to what turns leads into customers and where the true value of your marketing efforts lies. You’ll even be able to look back through your entire history and analyze past performance!

What is Wicked Reports?

Wicked Reports

Customers have succeeded where they had failed before, like Get Maine Lobster who went from wasting $4,000 on Facebook to making over half a million dollars. Because he had the right numbers from Wicked Reports and knew what to do with them. With Wicked Reports, you can finally unlock the power of data-driven growth and let your small business soar.

Wicked Reports is The World 1st Platform for Small Business Data Driven Growth. The tool uses attribution modeling to capture and report the subscription revenue data accurately and correctly. This allows us to measure the impact of marketing campaigns on customer lifetime value, enabling us to optimize for the highest value customers. It has granular tracking and also provides insights into which channels are delivering more valuable customers than others. Thus it allows us to take a data-driven approach to our marketing and advertising decisions. By using our solution, you can be sure that the performance of your campaigns is accurately tracked and reported. So, you can make more informed decisions about your marketing investments.

It’s done-for-you events and reports provide a comprehensive view of your customer journey and ROI from each marketing activity. The tool uses sophisticated data warehousing technology, as well as the people-based tracking to deliver advanced reporting that links specific actions to their outcomes.

Wicked Reports has more comprehensive features that enable businesses to track their customer acquisition performance across multiple marketing channels including email, social media and display advertising. It also provides end-to-end tracking of customer journeys from acquisition to conversion as well as lifetime value insights.

Segmetrics Features

Features Breakdown of Segmetrics

Unlimited Lifetime Attribution Windows

Unlimited Lifetime Attribution Windows

Segmetrics customer attribution windows are designed to assign purchases in any digital environment – no matter how complex or lengthy the customer journey may be. Their proprietary algorithms take into account all data points available, including user behavior and page visits, to accurately attribute a purchase back to its original source.

Lifetime Attribution Window

  • Allows you to attribute purchases made months or even years after a customer enters your sales funnel.
  • Contact-based systems ensure that purchases are not double counted, which helps you get the most accurate data.
  • With Conversion Feeder, AI-driven optimization of your ads is made easy and effective for real, measurable sales.
  • Tracking solutions are compliant with ATT, GDPR, and CCPA regulations so you can rest assured that your data is safe and secure.

Lifetime Attribution Window

Track Full Customer Journey

SegMetrics makes it easy to understand where your customers come from and how they interact with your business over time. With detailed analytics for each customer journey, you can see which campaigns are working and which ones need improvement.

Having all of your data connected allows you to have a better understanding of the customer’s journey. From the moment they see an ad, you can track their interactions through all the different touch points across platforms.

With the data provided by SegMetrics, you can make smarter decisions about your marketing spend to ensure you get the best ROI possible. It’s a powerful tool for understanding customer behaviors and optimizing your marketing strategies.

Track Full Customer Journey

Measure Profit from Emails, Webinar

Attribution for emails, webinars and other marketing activities can be an invaluable tool in understanding how your efforts are contributing to revenue. With the ability to track the effectiveness of campaigns from start to finish, you can measure the return on investment (ROI) of each activity and adjust strategies accordingly.

Attribute revenue to any funnel step

A/B Testing for Lifetime Value

A/B testing for LTV (Lifetime Value) and retention is essential to identify potential areas of improvement in marketing campaigns. This type of testing allows marketers to measure the long-term impact of changes they make, such as tweaking landing pages and email content, on overall sales performance. By comparing two versions of an experiment – a control and a variant – marketers can assess the influence of specific changes and determine which version yields better results.

Customer Analytics from WebinarJam, Clickfunnels and Leadpages. Once you have identified the platforms that your business is using, it’s important to analyze how each of them interact with each other. This feature will give you a better understanding of where customers are being driven from and how they can be converted into leads or sales.

For example, if you use WebinarJam to run webinars, you need to understand how that tie into Clickfunnels or LeadPages. You can look at the data from each of these platforms to determine which one is providing the most conversions and what strategies you can use to strengthen your touchpoints between them.

KPIS that indicate true performance

Customizable Dashboard

You can take control of your data with custom reports and dashboards that go beyond website interactions. Filter contacts option works great, both online and off, to get invaluable insights into user behavior. Analyze the performance of each funnel stage – from acquisition to engagement, conversion to retention – in order to get a full picture of how your marketing efforts are paying off. Build and share your own dashboards to get a comprehensive overview of key marketing KPIs, and collaborate with team members or clients easily. With the ability to customize reporting, you can gain complete visibility into your campaigns and make informed decisions.

Integrate with Almost Anything

Segmetrics teamed up with leaders in the marketing and tech fields to make sure our users have access to the most powerful integrations at their fingertips. Their partnerships with companies like Activecampaign, Adwords, Clickfunnels, Hubspot, Salesforce, Samcart, Pipedrive, Google Analytics, Shopify, Mailchimp, Stripe, and more ensure that your data is synced seamlessly between SegMetrics and other applications such as your CRM, website, email marketing platform and payment processor.

Segmetrics Integrate

Pros of Segmetrics

  1. Comprehensive analytics: Segmetrics offers a wide range of metrics, which provide detailed insights into user behavior. This helps businesses understand visitor preferences, identify trends and opportunities in the marketplace, and make better product decisions.
  2. Easily customizable tracking: WithSegmetrics’ customizable tracking capabilities, businesses can track key performance indicators (KPIs) and develop detailed reports to monitor progress. This makes it easy to track the success of marketing campaigns, measure customer engagement, and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Automated reporting: Segmetrics’ automated reporting feature simplifies data analysis by providing an easy-to-use interface that helps businesses quickly see the relationships between their website elements and performance metrics.
  4. Easy integration: Segmetrics allows businesses to easily integrate with other third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to gain a comprehensive view of customer behavior.

Cons of Segmetrics

  1. High cost: Segmetrics is a paid service and its subscription fees can be expensive for small businesses.
  2. Limited customization options: Segmetrics does not offer advanced customization options, which can limit its usefulness for businesses with complex needs.
  3. Difficulty in setting up: Setting up Segmetrics can be challenging, as it requires a certain level of technical knowledge to get everything working correctly.
  4. Limited support: Segmetrics does not offer extensive customer support, which can pose a challenge for businesses needing assistance with their analytics setup.
  5. Slow loading times: Segmetrics’ dashboard can be slow to load, which can make it difficult to quickly access and analyze data.

Wicked Reports Features 

Wicked Reports features

Automatically Tracks The Data that You Really Need

Wicked Reports goes beyond simple analytics to give you a comprehensive understanding of your marketing and sales efforts. Their patented attribution algorithm takes into account all the metrics that drive success, from basic data points like clicks and impressions to more complex ones such as customer lifetime value (CLV).

The tool doesn’t just show you the “top of the funnel” numbers, it tracks every step of your customer’s journey so you can make informed decisions about your marketing budget. Plus, their real-time data updates in near real-time to give you the most up-to-date insights into what is working for your business.

Multi-Channel Data Analytics

Multi-Channel Data Analytics

You will get multi-channel data analytics not only from Facebook, Google and this tool can help you gain insights into a variety of different areas, including customer profiles, engagement rates, and digital touchpoints. This comprehensive understanding allows you to identify which strategies are driving the most ROI and focus your time and energy on those efforts.

Measure Lead Worth Over a Longer Period to Adjust Campaign

Connect lead generation to high value customers

Wicked Reports helps campaign optimizers get an edge in their lead generation campaigns by tracking the lifetime value of leads. Their innovative analytics allow you to see how much each lead is worth over a longer period of time, so you can make informed decisions about which leads to pursue and when. With Wicked Reports, you can track where your valuable customers came from and at what cost, so you can adjust your campaigns accordingly.

By understanding the true cost of each lead over time, you can make more profitable decisions in your lead generation efforts, which means better returns on your marketing investments.

Wicked Reports ensures that you don’t just make decisions based on short-term wins and losses, but instead by looking at the bigger picture when it comes to lead generation campaigns.

3 Different Attribution Models to Observe Your Entire E-Commerce Sales Funnel

Wicked Reports last interaction

When it comes to maximizing marketing ROI, laser-focused attribution models can help by creating a more accurate picture of where leads are coming from and which channels have the most impact. Two commonly used models are the Full Impact Attribution Model and the Linear Attribution Model.

The Full Impact Attribution Model gives complete credit for each lead or sale to all marketing touchpoints that the customer has interacted with. This model allows marketers to identify which channels have the most influence on sales and ROI, and it can be used to accurately measure overall performance of a campaign.

The Linear Attribution Model gives equal weight to each touchpoint in the conversion path. For example, if there are four channels leading to the conversion, each channel would be given 25% of the credit. This model is beneficial for understanding which channels have an impact on the customer journey, but it does not provide insight into which channels actually contribute to sales and ROI.

1st Party CRM Integration and Customer Lifetime Value Reporting Data

With Wicked Reports’ customer lifetime value reporting data, you’ll be able to identify the key drivers of your long-term success. This means that you can focus your marketing budget on channels that will bring in customers who have a higher likelihood of becoming repeat customers and advocates for your business.

In addition, with real-time data tracking, you’ll be able to see the results of your marketing efforts quickly, allowing you to make adjustments if necessary. With detailed reporting data and analytics, you’ll have a clear picture of how customers are engaging with your brand over time – and what will help them remain loyal for years to come.

Through our deep integration with 1st party CRM and sales data sources, the tool can automatically sync your customer data across multiple platforms such as- Klaviyo, and Shopify.

Attribution time windows are essential for eCommerce brands, particularly subscription models

Wicked Reports Accuracy Drives Insights

Wicked Reports allows you to track conversions and assign them to the top, middle and bottom of the funnel marketing campaigns that drove them.

The tool uses automation to detect conversions of Shopify and ReCharge in real time. This means that the attribution process is fast and accurate, as you can assign conversions to the campaigns that drove them. This is especially helpful for subscription models, as it allows you to identify and track long-term customers and their associated marketing campaigns.

Using 1st party tracking for longer time windows provides more accurate data about the success of a digital ad campaign. This is especially important when looking at customer lifetime value (LTV), return on investment (ROI), and return on ad spend (ROAS). With 1st party tracking, marketers are able to automatically identify cold vs warm traffic, which provides insights into how campaigns are performing over the long term.

Pros of Wicked Reports

  • Utilizing Wicked Reports, Infusionsoft users can get a comprehensive understanding of how their digital ad campaigns are performing. They will be able to get insights into the ROI of each click, opt-in and sale, as well as understand which marketing channels are driving the most conversions.
  • After the tag is installed and your accounts are linked, you can start using it to track your traffic. You can check out analytics dashboards for events such as page views or clicks, and use this data to gain insights into user behavior on your website or app.
  • A team of experts provides round-the-clock help to make sure that no issue goes unresolved.
  • There is a cross-platform attribution to understand which channels are giving us the highest return on investment.

Cons of Wicked Reports

  • It is more expensive than many other marketing automation tools, making it less affordable for smaller businesses.
  • One day’s lag in data might make it difficult to plan campaigns in advance. It would be useful to have a rough estimate of what to expect on the day of launch without having to wait for the full day to get the data.
  • Another issue is the tedious task of adding UTM codes to all advertising campaigns. With Wicked, you can automate this process, but it’s still time-consuming and can be a hassle if you have multiple campaigns running at once.
  • It does not offer any integration with payment processing platforms, limiting its usefulness for ecommerce businesses.
  • It does not have a free trial, making it difficult to test out the features before purchasing.
  • Despite the fact that there were many other features in the software, some people found that they didn’t really have a major effect on our business. They actually needed the two main features – ROI and cohort analysis – to get the most out of our data.

Segmetrics Vs Wicked Reports: Feature Comparison

Determine Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

SegMetrics provides independent attribution data, including subscription and repeat purchases. Wicked Reports connects attribution data with the top of funnel channels that drove the revenue.

Customer Conversion

Wicked reports also make sure that you can track conversions offline, such as those through radio or TV ads. This data is used in combination with online performance metrics to provide a comprehensive view of your advertising performance and ensure that you are getting the most out of your campaigns.

You can integrate Segmetrics to send the information back to Facebook and Google’s AIs so that they can update their audience targeting algorithms and determine better ways of reaching your ideal customer.

Sales Funnel Optimization

Using Wicked Reports and SegMetrics together gives you the power of full funnel optimization. With Wicked Reports, you can track how your top-of-funnel interactions are working to bring in leads, while SegMetrics takes over by assessing middle and bottom of funnel activity.

Leads Tracking from Webinar

Segmetrics uses webinar tracking to measure your revenue and helps you understand how different segments of leads respond to your events. This can reveal insights into which prospects are more likely to convert, allowing you to adjust and refine your marketing strategies as needed.

There is browser-based webinar tracking in Wicked Reports to provide a deeper level of insight than native platform integrations because it captures the entire webinar experience. It gathers data on not only who attended the webinar but also how long they stayed, what pages they visited, and which content stirred their interest.

Purchase Cancellation or Refund Tracking

SegMetrics has you covered. This platform offers a comprehensive refund and cancellation tracking system that allows you to monitor failed purchases in real time. It means that if your customers don’t finish their transactions, or request refunds, you can see the exact marketing journey they followed before making the decision. This tool helps you identify any areas of friction that might have caused the transaction to fail, so you can adjust and optimize your strategy going forward.

Wicked Reports will try to track refunds, but the data is not shown in a dedicated area. Instead, you can view this information by looking at your overall revenue numbers and subtracting out any refunded amounts. This can be done manually or through a third-party integration with Wicked Reports. In either case, tracking limited refunds requires some extra work and diligence.

Email A/B Testing

SegMetrics provides a unique opportunity to understand how your nurture sequences influence customer behavior and revenue. It allows you to easily set up A/B tests of different versions of your emails, so that you can determine which variations are more successful at driving conversions.

Wicked reports have a major limitation when it comes to optimizing and testing mid-funnel strategies. Without tag filtering, companies are unable to test specific mid-funnel strategies such as optimizing the time spent on a page, refining customer segmentation, or adjusting engagement tactics. Without the ability to filter web-only traffic, you cannot get an accurate representation of how users interact with your content. You will not be able to measure whether or not they are reaching deeper levels in the funnel and what actions they take while they are there.

Offer or Discount Analytics

Segmetrics provides you with powerful analytics so that you can make the most of your upsells. With advanced filtering options, you can get detailed insights into which offers are performing best for different segments of customers. You’ll be able to identify what kind of offer works best for each segment and target them accordingly.

With Wicked Reports, you can go a step further and measure the lifetime value (LTV) generated after customers purchase each offer. This helps you understand which offers bring in the most revenue per customer over time, and switch up your strategy if needed.

Tracking Google Campaigns

SegMetrics helps marketers keep up with the quickly changing landscape of Google Ads. Performance Max is an innovative new campaign style designed to maximize conversions and provide more control of Google Ad bids. With SegMetrics, users can get real-time visibility into google campaigns, performance tracking, and optimization capabilities so they can make data-driven decisions about google campaigns.

On the other hand, Wicked Reports provides users with access to traditional Google campaigns such as manual search campaigns. This allows marketers to gain an understanding of campaign performance and optimize their bidding for better results.

Segmetrics Vs Wicked Reports Comparison Table

Segmetrics Wicked Reports
Provide independent attribution data Connect attribution data with top funnel
Track customer conversion online Track customer conversion both online and offline
Track leads from webinars Track leads from browser-based webinars
Optimize middle and bottom of marketing funnel Optimize top of marketing funnel
Unlimited refund tracking Limited refund tracking
Email A/B testing Tag filtering is not available in A/B testing
Track customers till they purchased Track customers after the purchasing also
Users can keep up with latest Google Ad campaign Users only access traditional Google Ad campaigns

Segmetrics Vs Wicked Reports: Pricing Comparison

Segmetrics Pricing Plan

Segmetrics Pricing Plan

Segmetrics has a pricing plan to suit your needs no matter what size of business you are. Their plans are structured to match the type and size of your operations with different levels of access and support available.

Basic Plan is 175$

The Basic Plan is perfect for businesses that need basic tracking and reporting functions at an affordable rate. The plan offers access to campaign performance stats and detailed insights into user behavior. It also provides advanced tracking capabilities such as heatmaps and session recordings.

Pro Plan is 495$

The Pro Plan is designed for businesses that need more comprehensive tracking and reporting options. The plan offers access to all of the features from the Basic Plan, plus additional ones including Page Insights, Live Refresh, Funnel Analysis, and more.

Enterprise Plan Price- 15K$

For larger businesses, the Enterprise Plan includes customizable dashboards, white-labeled reports, and access to a dedicated account manager. This plan also offers advanced features such as segmentation rules and real-time alert notifications.

Wicked Price Pricing Plan

Wicked Price Pricing Plan

The pricing starts at just $250/mo, making it an affordable option for any size business. And even better, wicked reports pricing gently scales as you get more insights from tracking more contacts, so you don’t have to worry about outgrowing us. Plus, the tool has easy first-party integrations and patent-pending attribution models help to make sure you get the clarity, insights, and actionable results that you need.

When it comes to pricing, Segmetrics is priced on a per user basis with plans starting from $175/month. Wicked Reports on the other hand, offers a tiered pricing model with plans starting from $250/month.


When it comes to choosing the right software for tracking ROI from marketing funnels, both SegMetrics and Wicked Reports offer excellent features and benefits. However, pricing can be a deciding factor when making a decision.

SegMetrics is much more affordable than Wicked Reports, while still providing robust analytics capabilities. On the other hand, Wicked Reports has a wide range of features and integrations, as well as advanced tracking abilities. Ultimately, each business must weigh their own specific needs when making a decision on which software to use for tracking ROI from marketing funnels. With both solutions offering excellent options, it may be necessary to take some time to test out the two products before deciding which one is best for your business.

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