How does Groove Funnels compare to ClickFunnels?

Online businesses are always looking for ways to increase their sales and grow their customer base. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through sales funnel software. In this article, we will introduce two of the most popular sales funnel software options, Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels. We will explore their features and capabilities, pricing, and user experiences to help you make an informed decision about which platform is best for your business.

Features and Capabilities Comparison

Clickfunnel or Groovefunnels? Which One Is Right for You

In this section, we will compare the features and capabilities of Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels to help you understand which tool is better suited for your specific use cases and business goals.

Both Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels offer a range of features to create and manage sales funnels. Groove Funnels is a newer player in the market, but it has gained a lot of attention due to its comprehensive feature set.

Groove Funnels offers features like website and funnel building, email marketing, affiliate management, and video marketing. It also has a range of tools for eCommerce, membership sites, and webinar hosting. Additionally, Groove Funnels offers a lifetime deal for its users, which can be a more affordable option in the long run.

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, is a more established player in the market and has a proven track record. It offers features like funnel building, email marketing, membership sites, and eCommerce. ClickFunnels is also known for its ease of use and has a strong community of users who offer support and resources.

When it comes to specific use cases, Groove Funnels may be better suited for businesses that require a more comprehensive toolset, such as those with a focus on video marketing or eCommerce. ClickFunnels may be a better option for businesses that prioritize ease of use and support from an established community.

Pricing Comparison

One of the most significant factors to consider when choosing a sales funnel software is the pricing plans available. Here’s a comparison of the pricing plans for Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels:

Pricing Comparison Between Clickfunnels and Groovefunnels

Groove Funnels:

  • Groove Funnels offers a free plan, which provides access to some basic features and tools.
  • The Silver Plan costs $99 per month and includes access to all Groove Funnels features, up to 25,000 contacts, and the ability to create up to three custom domains.
  • The Gold Plan costs $199 per month and includes everything in the Silver Plan plus access to Groove Funnels affiliate program, up to 50,000 contacts, and the ability to create up to five custom domains.
  • The Platinum Plan costs $299 per month and includes everything in the Gold Plan plus up to 100,000 contacts and the ability to create up to ten custom domains.


  • ClickFunnels offers a 14-day free trial for new users.
  • The Basic Plan costs $97 per month and includes access to all ClickFunnels features, the ability to create up to 20 funnels and 100 pages, and support for up to 20,000 visitors per month.
  • The Platinum Plan costs $297 per month and includes everything in the Basic Plan plus access to more features, the ability to create unlimited funnels and pages, and support for up to 100,000 visitors per month.
  • ClickFunnels also offers a Two Comma Club X plan, which costs $2,497 per month and includes additional features and benefits for high-level users.

When comparing the pricing plans of Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels, it’s essential to consider your business needs and budget. While ClickFunnels is more affordable for entry-level users, Groove Funnels offers a free plan and more features and custom domains for the higher-tier plans.

User Experience Comparison

One of the essential aspects of any software tool is the user experience. In this section, we will compare the user experience of Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels to understand how they differ.

Groove Funnels offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that makes it easy to create funnels and manage them. Its drag-and-drop editor allows users to create pages without coding knowledge, and the platform’s support for WordPress makes it easy to integrate with existing websites. Groove Funnels also offers a vast library of templates that users can choose from to create their funnels.

ClickFunnels, on the other hand, is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It offers a straightforward user interface that is easy to navigate, and its drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to create and customize pages. ClickFunnels also offers a wide range of pre-designed templates that users can use to create their funnels quickly.

When it comes to user experience, both Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels offer a great experience. However, Groove Funnels may be better suited for users who want more customization options, while ClickFunnels may be a better option for users who want a simple and easy-to-use platform.

Customer Support and Resources Comparison

Providing excellent customer support is an essential part of any successful software product. In this section, we will compare the level of customer support and available resources between Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels.

Groove Funnels offers 24/7 support through a ticket system and a Facebook group. They also provide a knowledge base with FAQs, video tutorials, and articles to help users navigate the platform. Groove Funnels also offers a live chat feature for quick support, although this is only available during specific hours.

ClickFunnels offers 24/7 email and chat support for all their plans, and phone support is available for the highest-tier plan. They also have a help center with articles, video tutorials, and a community forum to help users troubleshoot issues and learn about the platform.

Both platforms offer a similar level of customer support, with a variety of resources available to help users. However, ClickFunnels offers phone support for their highest-tier plan, which may be a significant advantage for businesses with more complex needs.

In terms of community resources, ClickFunnels has a large and active user community, making it easy for users to get advice and insights from other experienced users. Groove Funnels is still a relatively new platform, and its community is smaller in comparison.

Both platforms provide adequate customer support and resources to help users with their sales funnels. However, ClickFunnels may be a better choice for businesses with more complex needs that require phone support and access to a larger user community.

Case Studies and User Reviews

In this section, we will provide real-world examples of businesses using Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels, and analyze the results and feedback from users to gain insights into which tool is better for specific use cases and business goals.

Groove Funnels Case Studies and User Reviews

  1. Vibe Nutrition
The vibe nutrition
The vibe nutrition

Vibe Nutrition is a health and wellness company that uses Groove Funnels to create landing pages and sales funnels. The company saw an increase in conversions and revenue after switching to Groove Funnels from a previous platform.

  1. Business Ninja
Business ninja
Business ninja

Business Ninja is an online education platform that offers courses on entrepreneurship and digital marketing. The company switched to Groove Funnels for its sales funnel capabilities and has seen significant growth in its business since the switch.

  1. The Wellness Universe
The well nessuniverse
The well nessuniverse

The Wellness Universe is an online community and directory for health and wellness professionals. The company uses Groove Funnels to create landing pages and sales funnels for its members. The platform has helped the company increase its revenue and member engagement.

ClickFunnels Case Studies and User Reviews

  1. LadyBoss

LadyBoss is a weight loss and fitness company that uses ClickFunnels to create landing pages and sales funnels. The company has reported significant growth in its business since switching to ClickFunnels, including a 500% increase in revenue.

  1. Peng Joon
Peng Joon
Peng Joon

Peng Joon is a digital marketer and entrepreneur who uses ClickFunnels to create his sales funnels. He has reported that the platform has helped him generate millions of dollars in revenue.

  1. Fit2Fat2Fit

Fit2Fat2Fit is a fitness company that uses ClickFunnels to create landing pages and sales funnels. The company has reported significant growth in its business since switching to ClickFunnels, including a 400% increase in revenue.


Based on the case studies and user reviews, both Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels have helped businesses increase their revenue and grow their business. However, ClickFunnels appears to have more success stories with higher revenue increases reported by its users.

That being said, it’s important to note that the success of a business is not solely dependent on the sales funnel software used. Other factors such as product quality, marketing strategies, and customer service also play a crucial role.

Therefore, when choosing between Groove Funnels and ClickFunnels, it’s important to consider the specific needs and goals of your business, as well as factors such as pricing, user experience, and customer support.

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