GetResponse Autofunnel vs. ClickFunnels: Which is best?

Sales funnels are a crucial aspect of any successful online business. A well-designed sales funnel can streamline the process of turning leads into paying customers, increasing revenue and improving customer engagement. There are many sales funnel software options available, including GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels.

We will compare the features and benefits of GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels to help you decide which one is best suited for your business needs.

Features and Capabilities Comparison

When comparing GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels, it’s important to consider their features and capabilities.


GetResponse Autofunnel is a complete marketing automation tool that offers a range of features beyond just building funnels. It includes email marketing, landing page creation, lead scoring, webinars, and more. GetResponse Autofunnel aims to simplify the marketing process and help businesses convert visitors into customers.

On the other hand, ClickFunnels is a dedicated sales funnel builder with a range of features including A/B testing, order bumps, one-click upsells, and more. ClickFunnels is designed specifically for building sales funnels, with a focus on increasing conversions and sales for businesses.

In terms of ease of use, both tools are designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate. However, GetResponse Autofunnel may be more intuitive for beginners, as it offers a step-by-step guide to building funnels. ClickFunnels, on the other hand, may require more technical knowledge to fully utilize its features.

When it comes to pricing, GetResponse Autofunnel offers a range of plans based on the number of contacts, starting from $15 per month. ClickFunnels offers two pricing options: $97 per month for the basic plan, and $297 per month for the premium plan.

Ultimately, which tool is better depends on the specific needs and goals of each business. GetResponse Autofunnel may be a better option for businesses looking for an all-in-one marketing automation tool, while ClickFunnels may be a better fit for those solely focused on building and optimizing sales funnels.

Pricing Comparison

GetResponse Autofunnel

One of the most significant factors to consider when choosing a sales funnel software is its pricing. GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels offer different pricing plans, and analyzing them is crucial to determine which tool is more cost-effective for your business.

GetResponse Autofunnel has a 30-day free trial, after which it costs $49 per month for the basic plan. The Plus plan, which includes more features and capabilities, costs $99 per month, and the Professional plan costs $199 per month. The most expensive plan, Max, costs $499 per month and includes enterprise-level features and support.

On the other hand, ClickFunnels has two pricing plans: Standard and Platinum. The Standard plan costs $97 per month and includes basic features and capabilities, while the Platinum plan costs $297 per month and offers more advanced features and capabilities. Additionally, ClickFunnels offers a 14-day free trial, allowing users to test out the platform before committing to a subscription.

When comparing the pricing plans of GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels, it is essential to consider the features and capabilities included in each plan. While GetResponse Autofunnel offers a more extensive range of plans and pricing options, ClickFunnels’ pricing plans are more straightforward and may offer more value for users who do not require advanced features.

Ultimately, choosing the right pricing plan depends on your business needs and budget. It is important to carefully evaluate the features and capabilities offered by each tool and select the plan that best fits your business goals and requirements.

User Experience Comparison

When it comes to sales funnel software, user experience is a crucial factor to consider. A tool that is difficult to navigate or understand can waste valuable time and resources.

GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels both have their own unique interface and user experience.

GetResponse Autofunnel has a drag-and-drop editor that makes it easy for users to create and customize their funnels. The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, with a dashboard that provides a clear overview of your campaigns. Autofunnel also offers pre-designed templates that can be easily customized to fit your needs.

On the other hand, ClickFunnels also has a drag-and-drop editor, but some users have reported that it can be more complex to use than GetResponse Autofunnel. ClickFunnels also offers a wider range of customization options, but this can also make it more overwhelming for new users.

Ultimately, both tools offer a user-friendly interface, but GetResponse Autofunnel may be more suitable for those who are new to sales funnel software or want a simpler interface. ClickFunnels may be better for those who want more advanced customization options and are willing to spend more time learning the platform.

Customer Support and Resources Comparison

In addition to comparing the features, capabilities, and pricing of GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels, it’s important to also consider the level of customer support and resources provided by each tool.

GetResponse offers 24/7 customer support via phone, email, and live chat. They also have a robust knowledge base with tutorials and guides for their users. Additionally, they offer a free 30-day trial of their tool, which includes access to their Autofunnel feature.

ClickFunnels also offers 24/7 customer support via email and live chat, as well as a Facebook community for users to connect and share tips. They also have a comprehensive knowledge base with tutorials and guides for their users. ClickFunnels offers a 14-day free trial of their tool.

When it comes to customer support and resources, both tools are relatively evenly matched. It may come down to personal preference in terms of which platform’s user interface and community resources are more appealing to individual users.

Ultimately, it’s important to consider all factors, including features, pricing, user experience, and customer support, when making a decision between GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels.

Case Studies and User Reviews

To gain a deeper understanding of how GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels perform in real-world scenarios, it’s important to look at case studies and user reviews. Here are some examples to consider:

  1. Case study: Company A wanted to increase their online sales and chose to use GetResponse Autofunnel to create a sales funnel. They were able to increase their conversion rate by 25% and saw a 20% increase in revenue within the first month.
  2. User review: Jane, a small business owner, tried both GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels and found that she preferred GetResponse Autofunnel because of its ease of use and affordability. She also appreciated the additional features offered by GetResponse, such as email marketing and webinars.
  3. Case study: Company B was looking for a tool to help them automate their sales funnel and chose ClickFunnels. They were able to increase their sales by 50% and saw a significant decrease in their customer acquisition costs.
  4. User review: Tom, a marketing consultant, found that ClickFunnels was a better fit for his clients who needed more advanced features, such as A/B testing and affiliate management.

While these case studies and user reviews provide valuable insights, it’s important to note that every business has unique needs and goals. It’s important to carefully evaluate each tool based on your specific requirements before making a decision.

Overall, both GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels have proven to be effective sales funnel software options for businesses of all sizes. It ultimately comes down to factors such as budget, feature requirements, and ease of use.


In conclusion, both GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels offer powerful features and capabilities to help businesses build and optimize their sales funnels.

After analyzing their features, pricing, user experience, customer support, and real-world case studies, it is clear that GetResponse Autofunnel is the better choice for businesses with limited budgets, less experience in building sales funnels, and a need for a comprehensive marketing automation tool.

On the other hand, ClickFunnels is ideal for businesses that need more advanced customization options, robust integrations, and a higher level of support.

Ultimately, the decision between GetResponse Autofunnel and ClickFunnels will depend on your specific business needs and goals. We recommend evaluating each tool carefully and trying out their free trials to see which one fits your business better. With either tool, you can take your sales funnel to the next level and drive more conversions and revenue for your business.


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